Carte du Québec montrant les différentes zones d'intervention du Comité provincial de concertation en hépatite C, mettant en avant les organismes partenaires.

The goal of the Comité provincial de concertation en hépatite C au Québec is to ensure the collaboration of community organizations in order to increase awareness and acceptance of its recommendations concerning hepatitis C, and thus encourage the growth of knowledge, harmonious policies and support for members in their actions.

Réunion du Comité carcéral du CAPAHC, réunissant des membres pour discuter des stratégies de soutien aux détenu.e.s.

The carceral committee is a meeting ground for the various correctional authorities and community resources. It is a focal point for maintaining partnerships between organizations from different backgrounds, to ensure continuity of STBBI services for people in prison or recently released.

Bannière illustrant les logos des partenaires du CAPAHC au Québec, symbolisant la collaboration pour la lutte contre l'hépatite C.

CAPAHC is a proud partner of various Quebec, Canadian and international organizations.

Pleas and raising demands

Visuel des revendications du CAPAHC pour permettre aux intervenant·es du Québec de réaliser des dépistages de l'hépatite C

Our request is: Community interveners in Quebec should be able to perform rapid HCV tests.


Info-Herpès : Projet collaboratif CAPAHC et Portail VIH/sida du Québec offrant du soutien aux personnes vivant avec l'herpès simplex

Given the challenges of access to care and treatment, concern is growing. The 32 member organizations of the provincial hepatitis C committee are mobilizing to propose effective, realistic and sustainable solutions, inspired by documented practices and adapted to the needs of Quebecers.