Your reference for hepatitis C in Quebec
Training and Workshops
Our training courses are offered as part of the DÉSIRS alliance (Dépister, Éduquer, Sensibiliser, Informer pour Réduire la Stigmatisation), a community partnership with the Portail VIH/SIDA of Québec (PVSQ) which aims to strengthen and update knowledge of HCV, HIV and STBBIs among community workers, health professionals and prison staff, as well as key populations directly.
Carceral Committee
The carceral committee is a meeting ground for the various correctional authorities and community resources. It is a focal point for maintaining partnerships between organizations from different backgrounds, to ensure continuity of STBBI services for people in prison or recently released.
Provincial Committee
The purpose of the Provincial Hepatitis C Concertation Committee (Comité provincial de concertation en hépatite C) is to ensure the collaboration of community organizations in order to promote awareness and recognition of its recommendations concerning hepatitis C, and to encourage increased knowledge, harmonious policies and support for members in their actions.
Our partners
CAPAHC is a proud partner of various Quebec, Canadian and international organizations.
Pleas and raising demands
Our request is: Community interveners in Quebec should be able to perform rapid HCV tests.
Face au constat des enjeux d’accès aux soins et aux traitements, l’inquiétude est grandissante. Les 32 organismes membres du comité provincial en hépatite C se mobilisent pour proposer des solutions efficaces, réalistes et pérennes, inspirées de pratiques documentées et adaptées aux besoins des québécois·es.
DÉSIRS (for Dépister, Éduquer, Sensibiliser et Informer pour Réduire la Stigmatisation) is a 5-year project in alliance with our partner, Portail VIH/sida du Québec.
Passerelle C
Customized, personalized support based on harm reduction, participant empowerment and a vision based on listening, compassion and empathy.
The result of a collaboration between the Centre Associatif Polyvalent d'Aide Hépatite C and the Portail VIH/sida du Québec in 2015, Info Herpès offers remote support (by email and telephone) for people living with the herpes simplex virus