Nos formations sur l’Hépatite C sont proposées dans le cadre de l’alliance DÉSIRS (Test, Educate, Raise Awareness, Inform to Reduce Stigma), a community partnership with the Portail VIH/SIDA du Québec (PVSQ). The aim of this partnership is to update knowledge of HCV, HIV and STBBIs among different audiences : community interveners, healthcare professionals, prison staff and key populations.

Nos formations sont proposées dans le cadre de l'alliance DÉSIRS (Dépister, Éduquer, Sensibiliser, Informer pour Réduire la Stigmatisation), un partenariat communautaire avec le Portail VIH/SIDA du Québec (PVSQ)
Des modules d’apprentissage graduels (VHC et VIH) sur 4 niveaux ont été créés avec reconnaissance des acquis

Learning modules (HCV and HIV) on 4 levels have been created with recognition of prior learning. A certificate of participation will be given to participants who complete the first two levels, and those who complete all four levels will receive a certificate of completion sous forme de diplôme qui garantit votre capacité à agir auprès des populations-clés de l’hépatite C de manière sécuritaire et inclusive. Vous pouvez consulter le détail des formations VIH offertes par le PVSQ here.

Pour celles et ceux qui ont déjà des connaissances en matière d’hépatite C, notre outil d’auto-évaluation en ligne allows you to measure your level of learning and register directly for level 2 of the course if your score is equal to or higher than 70%.

To ensure that all people can relate to the ideas presented and feel respected in their diversity, the content of our training courses and the language used by our professionals respect inclusivity and epicene vocabulary. Our training courses are offered free of charge throughout Quebec, in person or by teleconference, in French or English.

Pour plus d’informations ou programmer une formation, contactez notre responsable éducatif à l’adresse suivante: .

Training and workshops

Level #1 - HCV 101

HCV 101: Biological aspects, transmission and treatment

This course has two objectives: provide basic knowledge of hepatitis C and enable participants to improve management of key populations. These isa first level of learning sur quatre pour recevoir une formation VHC complète et d’un prérequis pour suivre le niveau VHC 102.

Le prochain VHC 101 se tiendra le : 27 février de 13h à 15h

If you think you've already acquired a basic understanding of hepatitis C, we'd like to show you how. a tool for online evaluation this allows you to measure your knowledge of HCV and register directly for level 2, if you score 70% or more. Level 1 is the only one you don't need to take if you pass the evaluation.

Target audience: Health, community and social service professionals working or likely to work with key populations.
Duration : 2 hours
Topics covered during training :

  • The different types of hepatitis
  • HCV and how it works
  • Transmission
  • Populations most affected
  • The impact of HCV on the liver
  • Epidemiological overview

Level #2 - HCV 102

HCV 102: Prevention strategies

Le prochain VHC 102 se tiendra le : 6 mars de 13h à 15h

This training course highlights the various prevention strategieselimination and community care as well as public health challenges related to hepatitis C addressed by the World Health Organisation. The HCV 102 is the second of four learning levels pour recevoir une formation VHC complète. Il est également prérequis pour suivre la formation VHC 201.

certificate of participation for the first two levels will be awarded to participants who complete HCV 101 and 102.

Target audience: Health, community and social services professionals working or likely to work with key populations.
Duration : about 2 hours.
Topics covered during training :

  • A review of HCV transmission
  • Preventing transmission
  • Statistics that speak for themselves
  • Global strategy towards elimination
  • The importance of rapid testing and micro-elimination projects
  • Community care

Level #3 - HCV 201

HCV 201: Complex realities

This training builds on the knowledge acquired at the previous levels to offer a significant in-depth study of basic concepts and complementary knowledge on the specific issues associated with HCV infection. The HCV 201 is the third of four apprenticeship levels to receive full HCV training. It is also a prerequisite for the ‘Immersion ITSS’ course.

Target audience: Health, community and social services professionals working or likely to work with key populations.
Duration : 2h (environ).
Topics covered during training :

  • Overview of basic concepts
  • Fibrosis, phases of cirrhosis and hepatocarcinoma
  • Fibroscan, biochemical scores and other scores
  • Treatments
  • Medication and natural product interactions
  • Drugs, alcohol and HCV
  • Co-infections
  • HCV and pregnancy
  • HCV in children

Level #4 - SSTI Immersion

Le prochaine formation se tiendra le : 20 mars de 13h à 15h

This training enables you to find out about the different STIs, their transmission modes, the treatments available, the intervention and effective prevention methods for each of them. These is the final level of training to receive your VHC/ITSS certification .

Completing all 4 levels entitles you to a certificate of completion (in the form of a diploma), which guarantees your ability to work with key populations affected by hepatitis C in a safe and inclusive way.

Target audience: Front-line service providers and community organisations working or likely to work with key populations.
Duration : 2 hours
Topics covered during training :

  • Overview of the different viral, bacterial and parasitic infections
  • Epidemiology
  • Transmission
  • Testing, vaccines and treatments

The training mandate entrusted to us by the Public Health Agency of Canada as part of the DÉSIRS project is intended to be an educational offering that meets strict requirements and whose expertise is validated by years of experience in the field of knowledge transfer, with quality evaluations to back it up.

We have humbly taken the example of the training courses offered by the INSPQ as the basis for our skills development offer. The DESIRS training courses will be widely publicised in Quebec, among the directors and coordinators of organisations, so that a certificate of successful completion of the module, included in a CV, is proof of the excellence of the knowledge acquired in the field of HIV, HCV and STBBIs. Translated with (free version)

The Public Health Agency of Canada contributes financially to the organisation of these training courses.

The opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the official position of the Public Health Agency of Canada.

L’Agence de la santé publique du Canada contribue financièrement à l’organisation de ces formations.

Other training

In addition to DÉSIRS training courses, we also offer various types of training and workshops on subjects relating to hepatitis and STIs, on request. These courses are available on request. You can write to for more information or any special requests. We also offer presentations and conferences. These services can be provided in both English and French.

Here are some examples of the workshops and training courses we can offer:

  • HCV 101 for people working in organisations providing services to seniors
  • Atelier éducatif sur la transmission du VHC à l’intention des personnes âgées.
  • Présentation de nos projets ou du Modèle directeur pour guider les efforts d’élimination de l’hépatite C au Canada
  • Herpes 101 training
  • We can also develop customised training courses, workshops, presentations or conferences, depending on your organisation, the subjects you want to focus on or the context. Don't hesitate to contact us for more information!