Your reference for hepatitis C in Quebec
Membership of CAPAHC is free. This virtual membership form also automatically subscribes you to our newsletter.
We only send out four newsletters a year, with interesting information and updates on our activities.
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Join CAPAHC and make a difference!
En devenant membre du CAPAHC, vous montrez votre engagement envers la lutte contre l’hépatite C. Votre soutien nous aide à croître et à développer de nouvelles initiatives.Il existe deux catégories de membres :
Active and supporters, both of which allow you to vote at our Annual General Meeting.
Supporter members : proches aidants ou toute personne souhaitant s’abonner à notre infolettre et accéder à des ressources éducatives.
Active members People living with HCV and/or HIV, or who have taken part in our training courses.
Avantages de l’adhésion :
- A seat on the Board of Directors
- Participation et droit de vote à l’assemblée générale
- Free access to our symposiums and events
- Subscription to our quarterly newsletter
Membership is free and will remain so. If you share our values, want to make your voice heard, or have skills to offer, we'd love to have you join us!
Fill out our virtual membership form and sign up for our newsletter.